Watch this space to follow my writing progress and other adventures of miscellany! I am always on the hunt to expand Ayun's universe and I hope that you enjoy spending time in that place with me.
This website
​I have no idea if this will remain as my writing page. This could get migrated at any time, but until the first novel is published I think it is a bit premature to have a 'proper' website.
Writing progress as at 25/07/2015
My fourth draft has been finished! I have received feedback from a professional editor and have begun submitting to publishers. Your prayers for this process would be greatly appreciated! In the meantime I will do some more planning around the sequels in the event of a publisher showing interest in how the trilogy will develop.
I was thinking about creating a wiki site for characters, races and planets so that people can hop online if they want to go even more in-depth in their understanding of the Ayuniverse.
Artists, take note.
Anyone who finds this story interesting and has any artistic talent should contact me immediately if you think that you would be interested in developing some concept art for the characters in the story. My talents are firmly placed elsewhere.
I have lots of ideas for short stories that will not make it into Ayun's trilogy. If you would like a writing partner to bounce ideas off or want to team up for a short story anthology, please get in contact.